这里有千千万万人们共同关心的教育话题,这里不谈八卦,没有噱头、不哗众取宠,这里是来自国际视野的教育《真学说》。 我们不做教育产业化的吹鼓手,只做家长、学生和教育同仁们的知心朋友和来自世界理念与信息的传播者。
The Harvard brand mesmerizes us all.
For one thing, education was at the back of the mind of colonists of the Masschusetts Bay, just 8 years into its founding.
Harvard College founded in 1636 is now the undergraduate college of Harvard University.It admits only about 2000 students each year and about 5% of the applicants. It is among the most selective college/university in the world.
It mystified people when thinking about the holy-grail question: How to get into Harvard?
Full score in SAT, loads of Extracurricular Activities, lots of awards won, Acing the College Application Essay, Stellar Recommendation? All of the above, but most still fall short.
I have guided so many aspiring teenagers to realized their dreams getting into world-class universities. However, talking about getting into Harvard with the above “achievement items” underminded the statue of Harvard University in America’s educational history.
For one thing, you can only get into Harvard, if you have the elegance, intellect and temperament (优雅、学识和气质)of what Harvard represents.
You can feel such elegance, intellect and temperament from the below Photogaphic double-exposure art from Harvard University.
从哈佛大学提供的下面这些二次曝光摄影艺术照片,我们开始感受这样的Elegance, Intellect and Temperament.
(Source: Harvard Gazette, 来源:《哈佛公报》)
Elegance: Maple leaves colored in crimson flow through the John Harvard Statue.
Intellect: With more than 50 miles of shelves and more than 3 million volumes, the stacks of Widener Library are brimming with books.
学识:哈佛大学图书馆的书架足有80公里长,较大的图书馆Widener Library摆满了书。(没有足够学识,你来干嘛?)
Temperament: Portraits and sculptures of historic Harvard leaders mingle in the Faculty Room of University Hall. LeBaron Russell Briggs, who served as dean of Harvard College and president of Radcliffe, is eclipsed in the light of the window, while CeciliaPayne-Gaposchkin, Phillips Professor of Astronomy, is caught in a contemplative gaze at the night sky.
Students tread the paths of Harvard Yard to classrooms atop the Memorial Hall tower.
Immersed in her studies, Tina Huang ’18 prepares for a final examination in mathematics.
哈佛学子Tina Huang(2018级)正在埋头准备期末考试。(哈佛提供的照片注解说的是“数学考试”,照片里的内容是“物理力学考试”。)
Ornate gilding enhances pages of the Gutenberg Bible on display in the Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library.
这本在哈佛Widener纪念图书馆展出的、具有数百年历史的德国Gutenberg印书馆出版的Bible, 叠加在金色的修饰上,让人体会了哪里才是金色放光的地方。
Emily Koch ’20 merges with her own painting crafted for her Visual and Environmental Studies class,VES 24, taught by Matt Saunders in the Carpenter Center.
2020班学生Emily Koch跟她自己画的油画合二为一。这幅是为《视觉与环境研究》课而画的。
Fallen oak leaves overlay the shadows and bricks along Houghton Library.
哈佛大学的每个角落都充满诗意,只有能够捕捉诗意的学生才会被哈佛录取。 “橡树叶在图书馆窗外落下的光影跟树干映着哈佛红墙上”
The tower of Memorial Church adorns its own entrance. The church, built in 1932, was dedicated onArmistice Day to honor the men and women of Harvard who died in WWI.
Charles Eliot’s sycamore trees, which have lined the Charles River since 1897, enhance the Weeks Footbridge.
十九世纪哈佛大学校长查尔斯伊利奥特的儿子,小伊利奥特是美国著名的景观建筑设计师。波士顿城北岸的Cambridge(剑桥)到处都能看到他较推崇的美桐树(Sycamore Tree)。你能看到美桐树叠加在这座步行桥上吗?
The River Houses, punctuated by the Eliot House Tower, ripple along the Charles.
Johnston Gate, the first, largest, and most lavishly constructed entrance to Harvard Yard, archesover the Littauer Building.
A solitary runner gazes across Harvard Stadium as he climbs and descends the steps.
The underbelly of Harvard Stadium forms a kaleidoscope, an abstraction of steps and stairs.
Scholars enter gateways to the Yard in the spirit of the inscription under the bust of James Walker, past president and overseers of Harvard College: “Learn where is wisdom, whereis strength, where is understanding; that thou mayest know also where is lengthof days, and life, where is the light of the eyes and peace.”
这座通往哈佛大学校园的拱门,映着十九世纪哈佛大学校长詹姆斯沃尔克的话语: “学会智慧、力量和理解,你就知道生命,光明与和平。”
There is no trick getting into schools like Harvard, only true scholarship from the start.