
私立学校网    2020年09月27日

  全球校园: 独特的全球学习机会


  Global Campus - Unique International Opportunities

  Bringing together a family of 56 schools, our Global Campus connects our students, giving your child access to international opportunities.



  我们深知优秀教师对学生成长的重要性。为此,不论在教师招聘、师资培训及职业发展等方面,我们都有一套完整严密的行为规范。以此确保您的孩子可以接受最优质的教学。 我们在全球良好的声誉及影响源源不断吸引着最优秀的人才加入我们。在全球,我们拥有超过 10000名的教职员工,申请者的录取比例为三十比一。

  We know the difference that great teaching makes to your child’s success at school. That’s why we have developed a unique approach to teacher recruitment, training and support that makes the most of the talents of our outstanding teachers. Our global reach and reputation ensures that we attract the best teaching talent. With over 10,000 teachers and school support staff worldwide, on average we select only one in every thirty applications received.


  Our Collaboration

  美国茱莉亚学院(The Juilliard School)是世界最顶级的专业音乐艺术院校之一。始建于1905 年,位于美国纽约市林肯中心,学校设有舞蹈,戏剧,音乐三个学科的学士和硕士学位课程 。

  茱莉亚-诺德安达表演艺术项目将带领学生感受表演艺术的魅力,项目涵盖:音乐、舞蹈以及戏剧。 旨在培养学生的音乐素养、创造力、明辨思维和协同合作精神,为学生创造了深度学习表演艺术的 机会。

  麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology),简称麻省理工(MIT),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿剑桥市,是世界著名私立研究型大学,是世界顶尖大学之一。

  我们希望每个孩子都憧憬着拥有无限可能的世 界。我们与麻省理工学院合作的综合理科项目 (STEAM),帮助您的孩子通过世界前沿的教学方法研习科学,技术,工程,人文及数学,探索属于自己的未来。

  Founded in 1905, The Juilliard School is a world leader in performing arts education. Located at Lincoln Center in New York City, Juilliard offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in dance, drama, and music.

  The Juilliard-Nord Anglia Performing Arts Programme has been designed to give students a deep engagement with performing arts - promoting cultural literacy, creativity, critical thinking and collaboration.

  Often ranked among the world’s top universities, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is a private research university, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States.

  We want your child to imagine a world of infinite possibilities. Through our new approach to teaching science, technology, engineering, arts and maths (STEAM), your child will have the skills to invent their future with our collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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